Greek Life
Centre Greeks are dedicated to the ideals of brotherhood, sisterhood, leadership, scholastic achievement, community service, and social interaction.
Greek Organizations at Centre
Fraternity and sorority members at Centre can be found leading campus organizations, participating in community service, excelling in the classroom, and providing meaningful social opportunities for the campus community.
Centre’s Greek community consists of 11 international organizations (six fraternities and five sororities) dedicated to the ideals of brotherhood, sisterhood, leadership, scholastic achievement, community service, and social interaction. These organizations are led by the Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council under the guidance of the Office of Greek Life.
Fraternities Beta Theta Pi Delta Kappa Epsilon Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi |
Sororities Alpha Delta Pi Delta Delta Delta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma